Thursday 29 August 2013

Up with the fairies


Introduction (Weather)
Cold and rainy every day. Cool because you can actually attribute your laziness to get out to the weather.

Day 1
 I ate salad from Maccas, and then navigated myself to the Sigmund Freud's apartment on Bergasse 19. I lost my map on the way but who cares, it was drenched anyway. The rooms and halls were rather dark, and had an eerie, sort of sinister feel to it. Objectively it was full of a collection of some of his interesting antiques and was where he also used to write a lot of his theories and receive his clientele. The famous couch which was designed to facilitate free recall of clients' subconscious wasn't there. I'd hate I someone tried to make sense of the nonsense that I said and tried to make it something that reveals something abiut me. Word vomit, what of it? I know a lot of his psychoanalytic theories are based on shaky and subjective grounds, lack empirical evidence, or are even downright absurd, but I was interested to read about it again all the same. Afterwards I went to Stephensplatz to look at the shops a bit and afterwards for the famous cathedral there where I met Anna so we went to dinner. She ordered some schnitzel and potato salad and I got beef soup. More stuff. Then I went to bed.

Day 2
I pulled a sickie. Anna went to an art gallery somewhere. I don't know what it was called but it sounded like it was really cool and big and famous. In the evening it was still raining but I decided to go to a piano and violin concert in Haus der Music. This is the city of music after all. I got there 45 minutes late because I didn't account for time I would spent lost around the streets and couldn't read the street names properly. It was really beautiful anyway. I love seeing these live because you see how much these musicians are into their craft and become so jealous at their talent and years of dedication to something specific. I was pretty gutted to have missed a lot of it.

Day 3
Today Anna and I went to Schönbrunn palace which I'd been so excited to see because it looks so magnificent on TV whenever they  show live concerts. We had some delicious apple strudel there with cream and custard so that was nice.  The chandeliers were cool too. The interiors of the palace didn't disappoint. It was so beautiful inside and the audio tour was good because you could just listen and walk. In it I was introduced to a new personality to stalk.. Franz Joseph. He was a Catholic emperor of Austria, and was highly dedicated with a strong work ethic and used to call himself First Public Servant to the country. My favourite room had crystal mirrors facing each other with a chandelier in the middle to give the illusion of infinite space and was sort of like inception with its mirrors within mirrors. I had a dream about TVs within TVs once. So I guess this was just like a dream.. Wait, what?

There's also some amazing gardens there that remind me a lot of Versailles, but didn't feel as warm. There was a gloriette, and an awesome huge maze and labyrinth that I'd always wanted to go to and I was imagining it kind of like Goblet of Fire. It's perfect because I could be the lost one on purpose this time, and laugh at other people get lost from the balcony afterwards.

Here is a picture:

Well guess I'll never find out because the moment I tried to get through, I realised I had lost my entrance pass to absolutely everything. And lost Anna in the process of searching for it. Who needs a maze when you're me? The picture is from Google. look I even source it:

Sat around for a couple hours and eventually gave up on it all and went home. I am actually ruining her holiday. See I predicted this. 

Kudos if you got this far. Worried for you.

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